Gokyo Lakes Trek Day 6 — Machermo to Gokyo

Day 6 of the Gokyo Lakes Trek, like Day 5 before it, is usually another half day — mainly because Gokyo will be the only village we see after leaving Machhermo, but also because the two days are split up to help us deal better with the elevation.

But that is not to say that it is easy, nor is it without adventure. In fact, on this day you will arrive at perhaps the most scenic village in all of the Khumbu, and you will also see several gorgeous lakes — and perhaps golden ducks.
After a brief climb out of Machhermo, you begin a long and gradual climb through open country. Here the trail is braided in many places, owing mainly to the yak traffic in summer. As the trail gets higher and more rocky the terrain becomes drier and the canyon more narrow as you approach the outlet of the first Gokyo Lake.
Finally topping the rise, you will see the first of five Gokyo Lakes, which will still be partially frozen in March and April.

The first lake you see is the smallest by far, but it usually seems to be host to golden Brahminy ducks. They are quite a sight among an amazing sight: a broad valley with the massive Cho Oyu at the head of it, a massive glacier looming above, and the village of Gokyo just above the third lake a short walk ahead. In the middle of the view you should be able to spot a brownish rocky hill with a trail heading up it; that is Gokyo Ri, your destination in the morning and one of the great viewpoints around.
Typically we roll into Gokyo (15,580’) in time for lunch, allowing us to spend the afternoon resting, exploring the town, and perhaps taking a walk to one of the other lakes. Mainly, we should rest, because on Day 7 we have an early start and a big day.