" ... walking the razor’s edge between the world of the natural and the supernatural."
Mt. Kilimanjaro Journey:
Jeff Belanger

Jeff Belanger is an author, adventurer, paranormal researcher, and Emmy-nominated host, writer, and producer of the New England Legends television series. And now he has also climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro with Embark!

We reached out to Jeff to get his Kilimanjaro story, and it turns out he already had a whole blog post about it on his website. It further turns out he’s writing a book!
Jeff was climbing to raise funds for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, and in honor of his brother-in-law Chris, who died of cancer in 2015.
So we are going to turn it over to Jeff, who says his Kilimanjaro journey was as much internal as external:
How do you sum up the profound experience that was climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro? In reality, it will take a whole book to do so, and that’s a book I’m diligently writing.
In short, I feel like I was walking the razor’s edge between the world of the natural and the supernatural. Of course there’s the majestic beauty of this giant mountain, but I was surprised to find how much of this journey was inward.
Our team arrived in Moshi, Tanzania, the evening of March 18th. So everything was dark when we checked into our hotel. The next morning, after breakfast, I asked the staff if I could get to the roof of the hotel. They informed me there was access, so I climbed the stairs to what would be about four stories in height. As I came around the final turn, I looked out and saw Kilimanjaro filling the horizon.