Jessica Watson survives four knockdowns

Sixteen-year-old Aussie Jessica Watson reports from her sailboat, Ella’s Pink Lady, that her recent sunny spell ended in a bang. You have to read her blog post, written in the storm’s aftermath on Sunday, to get a real feel for what the teenager trying to become the youngest to circumnavigate has just survived:
We experienced a total of 4 knockdowns, the second was the most severe with the mast being pushed 180 degrees in to the water. Actually pushed isn’t the right word, it would be more accurate to say that Ella’s Pink Lady was picked up, thrown down a wave, then forced under a mountain of breaking water and violently turned upside down.
With everything battened down and conditions far too dangerous to be on deck, there wasn’t anything I could do but belt myself in and hold on. Under just the tiny storm jib, the big electric autopilot did an amazing job of holding us on course downwind, possibly or possibly not helped by my yells of encouragement! It was only the big rogue waves that hit at us at an angle (side on) that proved dangerous and caused the knockdowns.
The solid frame of the targa (the frame that supports the solar panels) is bent out of shape and warped, which provides a pretty good idea of the force of the waves. Solid inch thick stainless steel tube doesn’t exactly just bend in the breeze, so I think you could say that Ella’s Pink Lady has proven herself to be a very tough little boat!
With my whole body clenched up holding on, various objects flying around the cabin and Ella’s Pink Lady complaining loudly under the strain, it was impossible to know what damage there was on deck. It was a little hard at times to maintain my positive and rational thoughts policy, but overall I think I can say that the skipper held up us well as Ella’s Pink Lady. It was certainly one of those times when you start questioning exactly why you’re doing this, but at no point could I not answer my own question with a long list of reasons why the tough times like that aren’t totally worth it!
So in the middle of all the drama, back at home Mum received just about the worst phone call possible from the Australian Rescue Coordination Center (RCC), telling her that one of my EPIRBs (emergency signaling devices) had been activated. One of the knockdowns had caused the automatic EPIRB mounted under the dodger to turn on without me knowing. Luckily I called in only a few minutes later before anyone could really start to panic. I was pretty annoyed at the stupid thing for going off and giving everyone such a scare!
Leave it to Jessica to worry most about whether her mom is worried, and to work so hard and so well to maintain her “positive and rational thoughts policy.” Her latest post from today shows Jessica in high spirits after getting her stove working again, and reporting that she is flying across the Atlantic so fast she worries she might hit the finish line before she is ready to actually finish. What a resilient young woman. Seriously. Major props.