Jessica Watson, 16, launches solo circumnavigation attempt

Jessica Watson, 16, has set sail after a few false starts, including this widely-reported yacht collision on Sept. 9. The Australian left out of Sydney on Sunday, and hopes to achieve two goals: be the youngest person ever to circumnavigate (breaking the record set last year when 17-year-olds Zac Sunderland and Mike Perham circumnavigated as well), and doing it in just 10 months.
Jessica is sailing a 33-foot yacht, which she calls Ella’s Pink Lady, and is already reporting via her blog good winds and pleasant weather. She plans to head northeast toward New Zealand, past Fiji and Samoa, then out into the great Pacific before steering south to navigate beneath Cape Horn. From there she passes the Falkland Islands and the Cape of Good Hope, and then through the notoriously choppy waters of the Southern Ocean before steering back into Sydney. She sleeps on deck in brief spurts while having to navigate (aka dodge) the big ships, which she’ll soon be able to more easily avoid in the open waters of the Pacific.
Good luck, Jessica! May you have not only the physical strength necessary for such a rigorous journey, but the mental stamina, as well.