Embark Friends Develop New Ultralight Pack for Runners


Like to run? Wish you had a better pack for it?

Embark friends and supporters Josh and Beth Sprague have the solution: a new pack they call the HydraQuiver, “a new approach to fast and minimalist theory in the running pack market. Tiny pack, super light, big features.”

Here’s some more about it, and a link to find out more — and to help spread the word.

My wife Beth and I have been working on a backpack designed largely for runners that is ultra-light, feels great, and most importantly keeps the bottle from bouncing while running. The concept was largely created from all the years spent training for adventure racing, marathons and Ironman and hating the freaking pack bouncing around on me all the time. After 9 months in development, we finally have it ready to be released and believe it’s a rock solid project. Our hope is that it will change the way runners think about carrying water with them while running since you barely notice this pack is even there. It beats carrying a water bottle, wearing a waist pack, or a back pack by a landslide.

We’re using a website called Indiegogo, a crowd funding site to create buzz about our project. The intent with a site like this is not just to sell packs, but to create a more broad awareness of the new technology that we are bringing to the outdoor market. We appreciate your help in purchasing a pack or by simply spreading the word to all your running, walking and hiking friends!

Take a moment to check it out on Indiegogo and also share it with your friends. All the tools are there. Get perks, make a contribution, or simply follow updates. If enough of us get behind it, we can make ‘HydraQuiver’ happen.

The HydraQuiverTM is a new approach to fast and minimalist theory in the running pack market. Tiny pack, super light, big features.


Josh and Beth Sprague

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