What Not To Wear to Africa

Growing up everybody wanted to be an archaeologist, just like Indiana Jones. Archaeologists have really exciting jobs, right? They hunt for treasure, while also dodging arrows, jumping over pits, being chased by house-size boulders, sliding under closing caves, being chased by tribes, and then swinging on tree limbs out into the water (while also being shot at with arrows and darts). It was Indiana Jones’ adventures that inspired my love for adventure, culture, and world travel, and helped inspire Embark.
A group of Embark’s clients are getting ready for their adventure climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro, Africa’s highest mountain. We recently received a spoof picture from one claiming that he was getting his gear ready for the mountain. Check this guy out! This is exactly the gear you should not bring on the mountain. Cotton kills! No Leather. You might want to bring the hat and the whip though.