Make a Difference: KPAP

Your year-end donation to the Kilimanjaro Porters Assistance Project will go a long way toward helping porters in Tanzania.
As we clean up the wrapping paper and start boxing up holiday decorations, our attention will soon turn to 2019 – and wondering how we can make a difference with year-end donations.
So as you plan your year-end giving, we’d like you to consider helping the Kilimanjaro Porters Assistance Project – or KPAP, for short.
KPAP launched in 2003 and, some 15 years later, fights for humane working conditions, fair pay, and ethical treatment on behalf of the porters who make climbing Mount Kilimanjaro such a life-changing experience.
And that’s not all: KPAP lends clothing to porters (free of charge), offers educational opportunities to the mountain crews, and encourages climbers to choose responsibly when planning their climbs. Truly, climbing Kilimanjaro wouldn’t be the experience it is without KPAP and all they do to improve the live of porters in Tanzania.
KPAP, a legally registered Tanzanian not-for-profit organization, is an initiative of the International Mountain Explorers Connection, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization based out of Boulder, Colorado. The organization is largely funded by donations from thoughtful individuals in the climbing community who support responsible, ethical, and humane practices. Please consider donating to allow KPAP to continue this important work.