Kili Climber and his Feline Passenger


One thing we see a lot of is news about people climbing Mount Kilimanjaro for charity. After a while, they all blur together. Then we see something like this: A man climbed Kili with a 9-foot stuffed tiger on his back.

We read on, and we see that there was more to it. For one thing, the tiger weighed 30 pounds, and a few days before climbing Kili he had carried the thing on his back in a marathon in England.

And what does one do after such a doubleheader? Go run another marathon, of course. He went back to London and ran that marathon, as well. Yes, carrying the tiger.

Why, you might ask. For charity, of course. And we must admit, it works. The man got our attention, and we shall now direct yours to his charity: helping Friends of Conservationย protect Bengal tigers in India.

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